Cleobury Chronicles - Volume 13
The Society is very pleased to announce the publication of
Volume 13 of this highly regarded journal.
The previous volume, number 12, contained 114 pages of articles
(132 pages in all) - twenty percent more than the previous
two issues. Volume 13 contains a total of 150 pages of
articles - thirty percent more than volume 12!
- The History Society
- Local history – or the biography of Little Places? (Dr Robert HODGE)
- Norman Hickin, 1910 - 1980 (John BARNES)
- The real Will Link (Dr David POYNER)
- Thomas Pope, nineteenth century rural surgeon – Asclepius or Nemesis? (Dr Robert HODGE)
- Refugees in Charlton House, Cleobury Mortimer, 1939 (John BARNES)
- The Supply of Lime to Tickenhill Palace, Bewdley, in 1526 (Stuart DAVIES)
- The Workhouse at Cleobury Mortimer (Dr Robert HODGE)
- Celebrating the end of the Great War (Dr Mark BALDWIN)
- The 1939 Identity Card and the 1939 Register (John BARNES)
- Pauper letters (Dr Robert HODGE)
- Previous volumes